Current Account

Current Account for your easy business transaction

Current Account is available for individual and corporate to support daily business transaction


- Available in a wide selection of foreign currencies
- Affordable initial deposit and fees
- Cheque/Bilyet Giro facility to support daily business transaction
- ATM Facility (for individual customer only)
- Competitive interest rate in which calculated based on end of day daily balance
- Ease of in transactions in more than 18,000 Debit Prima/BCA network and more than 40,000 ATM across Indonesia (Transaction can only be done in local currency and for Individual Account).
  • Free ATM transaction fee through ATM Bersama/Prima/BCA network
  • Free debit card transaction fee through Debit Prima/BCA network
- Freedom in transaction through Internet Banking
- Monthly Statement.

Risk of Product
The risks attached in this savings product is the changes in fees that can be done at anytime and it will be informed to customers through branches, website or other media deemed appropriate by the Bank.

Procedures and Requirements
Opening an account can be done at the nearest Bank Commonwealth branch by completing and signing the account opening application form and providing the required documents

Document Requirement:

Resident : Valid ID (KTP) and Tax File Number (NPWP)
Non Resident : Passport and KIMS/KITAS/Reference letter from company, and other documents according to terms and condition applied by PT Bank Commonwealth.
Institution : Documents requirement according to Terms and Conditions applied by Bank Commonwealth

Fees and Charges*

Description Fee
Initial deposit IDR1,000,000 or USD/AUD/SGD/EUR/GBP 100 or JPY 10,000 or CNY 500
Monthly administration** IDR10,000 or USD/AUD/SGD/EUR/GBP 1 or JPY 100 or CNY free
Minimum average balance IDR1,000,000 or USD/AUD/SGD/EUR/GBP 100 or JPY 10,000 or CNY 100
Below minimum average balance fee** IDR50,000 or USD/AUD/SGD/EUR/GBP 5 or JPY 500 or CNY 25
Stamp duty In accordance to the prevailing regulations.
Stamp duty is charged per CIF, not per account
Closing account fee  IDR50,000 or USD/EUR 5 or AUD/SGD 8 GBP 3 or JPY 500  or CNY 25

*Fees and Charges is subject to change and it will be informed to customers through media deemed appropriate by the Bank.

**1. If your account balance is not sufficient to cover the monthly fees above, the Bank system will record this as payable fees and debit it whenever your account balance is sufficient for debit payable fee on the following month.

2. If you have auto debit facility on Bank Commonwealth (for example: AutoInvest, loan installment, standing instruction, standing order, etc), please ensure that your accounts have sufficient balance to cover the monthly fees and auto debit facilities.

Interest Rate Calculation
Interest is calculated based on end of day balance according to the prevailing interest rate. Interest rate table can be access in here

Product Expiration
The expiry of the product will be when customer or Bank closes the account.

Product Issuer
This Product issued by PT Bank Commonwealth and guaranteed by Indonesia Deposit Insurance Cooperation/Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan ("LPS")***

***If the value of total deposit exceeds maximum value/if the interest rate of deposit exceeds interest rate of Indonesia Deposit Insurance Cooperation/Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan ("LPS"), deposit is not included and/or shall not be guaranteed by LPS in Deposit Insurance Scheme/Program Penjaminan Simpanan.


Product Information Summary
Learn more about this product here.