Foreign Exchange Order Watch (ODA)

What is FX Order Watch (ODA)?

A facility provided to customers for automatic foreign exchange transactions in accordance with the specified price.


Advantages of using FX Order Watch (ODA)


The Customer does not need to monitor Foreign Exchange (Forex) price movements by themselves because it is automatically installed at predetermined price and managed by the Treasury FX Specialist of Bank Commonwealth team at 24 hours a week.


Whenever it has been successfully executed according to the Customer predetermined price, the Relationship Manager or Treasury FX specialist of Bank Commonwealth will contact the Customer accordingly.


What FX Order Watch (ODA) facilities that are provided for the Customers?


FX Order Intraday
Price observations performed while the price in the world currency market moves within the Banking hours
> Observation period on 08.00 – 16.00 WIB.


FX Order Overnight
Price observations performed while the price in the world currency market moves outside of the Banking hours
> Observation period on 17.00 – 08.00 WIB.


FX Order Good β€˜til date (GTD)
Price observations are performed while the price in the world currency market moves during the observation period which starts from the day the Customer places the order until the next Monday working day
> Observation period on 17:00 WIB on the day the order is placed
– 08:00 WIB the next Monday working day.


How to use FX Order Watch (ODA) facility


Open a Foreign Exchange account in Bank Commonwealth


Call your Relationship Manager or Call CommBank 15000 30 to
enjoy FX Order Watch (ODA) now